
Adding New BIP Editors

Adding New BIP Editors

Original Postby Olaoluwa Osuntokun

Posted on: April 19, 2024 22:32 UTC

The recent communication highlights an interaction between the sender, identified as 'nsvrn', and another individual, achow, which took place via a direct message on IRC.

Nsvrn admits to not having been active on IRC for several months, which led to initially missing the outreach from achow. However, this exchange has since encouraged nsvrn to revisit IRC and engage in discussions about a potential role that was offered.

The role in question pertains to becoming one of the new Bitcoin Improvement Proposal (BIP) editors. Nsvrn notes a concern regarding the deterioration of the BIP process over the past year, attributing it to an increase in development activities. There's an expressed eagerness from nsvrn to contribute time and effort towards revitalizing this process. By potentially joining as a BIP editor, nsvrn believes that the workload associated with managing BIPs could be more evenly distributed, especially with the addition of new editors, which would bring the total count to possibly four individuals. This redistribution of responsibilities is seen as a positive step towards enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the BIP process.