
Basic vault prototype using OP_CAT

Basic vault prototype using OP_CAT

Posted on: April 10, 2024 20:20 UTC

The CAT-checksig technique is utilized for validating the congruence between the amount and scriptpubkey of the first input and output within a certain transaction framework.

This technique ensures that these elements are identical, contributing to the integrity of the transaction verification process. However, it notably allows flexibility with the second output's scriptpubkey, only mandating that its amount be precisely 546 sats. Furthermore, a structural requirement is imposed, dictating the transaction must comprise exactly two inputs and two outputs, aiming to maintain a standardized transaction format.

Despite these measures, there appears to be a limitation in the enforcement capabilities of the covenant script concerning the validation of buffer sizes. Specifically, the target_scriptpubkey_buffer is not restricted from containing additional data, potentially accommodating extra outputs beyond the initial validation scope. Similarly, both the fee_scriptpubkey_buffer and fee_amount_buffer may also harbor extra data, thus allowing for the inclusion of additional inputs. This oversight could compromise the calculation of spent_scripts_single_hash, as surplus data within the script_pubkey_buffer might be erroneously interpreted as scriptpubkey information, rather than being accurately assigned to respective amounts.

Another aspect highlighted pertains to the handling of non-standard taproot outputs by miners, which are typically treated as anyone-can-spend. This treatment suggests a potential vulnerability or manipulation avenue, indicating a need for cautious consideration in transaction security practices. Given these insights, there's a strong recommendation for the integration of size checks across all buffers within the covenant script. Implementing such checks would serve as a preventative measure against the unintended inclusion of extra data, thereby enhancing the robustness and reliability of the script's enforcement mechanism.