
Upgrading Existing Lightning Channels

Upgrading Existing Lightning Channels

Original Postby ajtowns

Posted on: May 27, 2024 00:44 UTC

The email discusses the progression from HTLCs (Hashed TimeLock Contracts) to PTLCs (Point TimeLock Contracts) within the cryptocurrency domain, specifically focusing on Bitcoin's implementation strategies.

The underlying question is whether STCs (presumably another contract type) are necessary for transitioning to PTLCs. This transition is critical because it pertains to how channels within the network upgrade and maintain compatibility and efficiency.

The writer proposes three hypothetical upgrade paths to facilitate this transition:

  1. Moving directly from traditional P2WSH (Pay to Witness Script Hash) with HTLCs to Taproot with PTLCs by creating a new funding transaction.
  2. Upgrading from Taproot-supported HTLC channels to Taproot-supported PTLC channels without altering the underlying transaction model.
  3. Transitioning from P2WSH with HTLCs to P2WSH with PTLCs, which may be considered if there's significant demand for PTLCs and high transaction fees encourage development efforts to support this change without requiring a new funding transaction.

The discussion hints at different levels of support for each upgrade path among the community and developers. For example, the first option might see unanimous support due to its straightforward approach, while the second could be limited to implementations like LND if PTLCs become standardized before Taproot channels gain wider adoption. The third option may lag in implementation, contingent upon a strong community demand and economic factors such as transaction fees.

Furthermore, the email suggests introducing feature bits to signal node support for various configurations: Taproot+HTLC channels, Taproot+PTLC channels, and P2WSH+PTLC channels. This proposal aims to clarify the capabilities of nodes within the network, facilitating smoother transitions and enhancing compatibility across different channel types and contract mechanisms.