
Anonymous usage tokens from curve trees or autct

Anonymous usage tokens from curve trees or autct

Original Postby AdamISZ

Posted on: May 26, 2024 16:10 UTC

The discussion revolves around the intricacies of cryptographic protocols, specifically addressing the potential vulnerabilities and improvements in privacy-enhancing technologies.

A significant focus is on the collaborative creation of keys within these protocols, which could inadvertently reveal information. The conversation highlights a particular protocol that involves calculating output keys ($O_1$ and $O_2$) using a combination of public keys, secret scalars, and hashing functions. This method aims to facilitate transactions while preserving anonymity but raises concerns about the possibility of linking tags between different transactions. This vulnerability arises from the ability to calculate the difference between hashing functions of two outputs, which could potentially be exploited by both senders and receivers.

Further analysis delves into the concept of per-output key image generators, inspired by the practices in Monero’s blockchain technology. It elaborates on how transaction outputs, key images, and amount commitments are utilized to construct proofs of spend without compromising privacy. The original method, which incorporates these three elements, suggests a modification by possibly excluding the amount commitment to prevent related-key attacks, thereby enhancing security against specific threats to anonymity.

This discussion underscores the importance of continuous scrutiny and improvement of cryptographic protocols to address evolving security challenges. It also reflects on how principles derived from existing frameworks, like Silent Payments BIP and the foundational Cryptonote paper, contribute to advancing the field. The intricacies of these cryptographic mechanisms underscore the delicate balance between facilitating secure, anonymous transactions and protecting against vulnerabilities that could compromise privacy.